Proposal settings: Estimates

These settings apply to the resource estimates and travel estimates entered in your proposal's tasks.

Resource Decimal Precision

The resource decimal precision is required. The range of acceptable values is from 0 to 12.

This setting determines how many decimal places are visible while entering or viewing resource estimates as hours, units, or cost. Estimates entered with a greater number of decimal places will be rounded up.

Equivalent Heads Decimal Precision

The decimal precision for equivalent heads is required. The range of acceptable values is from 0 to 12.

This setting determines how many decimal places are visible while entering or viewing resource estimates as equivalent heads. Estimates entered with a greater number of decimal places will be rounded up.

Accounting Calendars
Default Accounting Calendar

The number of hours a resource works per month comes from an accounting calendar or the proposal’s Default Acct Hours/Month setting. The selected calendar applies to all resources in the proposal, unless a resource has a different calendar assigned to it.

To choose a calendar for the proposal, a direct rate table must be selected in the Integration settings first. If a direct rate table is already selected, you can sync the proposal with your ProPricer CE Enterprise data server to retrieve the most recent accounting calendar data.

Default Acct. Hours/Month

The default number of hours a resource works per month is required. With this number, EstimatorFLEX can convert resource estimates from hours to equivalent heads and vice versa.

The default accounting hours are used when an accounting calendar is not assigned to the proposal or to a resource. They are also used when an accounting calendar is assigned but does not have hours for a specific month.

Detail Travel
Per Diem Factor (One Day)

The factor for calculating per diem rates of one-day trips is required. The range of acceptable values is from 0 to 1.

Per Diem Factor (First Day)

The factor for calculating per diem rates for the first day of all trips is required. The range of acceptable values is from 0 to 1.

Per Diem Factor (Last Day)

The factor for calculating per diem rates for the last day of all trips is required. The range of acceptable values is from 0 to 1.

People Per Car (Rental Car)

The number of people riding in a rental car is required. The range of acceptable values is from 1 to 5.

Days Per Week (Rental Car)

The number of days in a rental car week comes from the proposal's travel rate table. This setting can only be changed in ProPricer CE Enterprise.

Days Per Month (Rental Car)

The number of days in a rental car month comes from the proposal's travel rate table. This setting can only be changed in ProPricer CE Enterprise.

Misc. Quantity Formula

This formula will calculate the quantity of the Miscellaneous travel expense in trips. You can select:

Zero: The quantity equals zero.

Days: The quantity equals the number of days in the trip.

Days Except First and Last: The quantity equals the number of days in the trip excluding the first and last days.

First and Last Days: The quantity equals the number of days in the trip including the first and last days only.

One: The quantity equals one.

People: The quantity equals the number of people on the trip.

People Days Except Last: The quantity equals the number of people on the trip multiplied by the number of days in the trip excluding the last day.

People Multiply Days: The quantity equals the number of people on the trip multiplied by the number of days in the trip.

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