
A task is the lowest-level milestone in the breakdown of proposal estimates. Tasks are created to determine the level of effort needed in a proposal breakdown structure (PBS) element. Every PBS element can contain an unlimited number of tasks and resources, and each task can use an unlimited number of resources.

The default period of performance (PoP) in a new task matches the proposal's PoP. You can change a task's PoP as often as needed, but it must remain within the proposal's PoP.

At any time, you can edit the information in task fields, including values in custom task fields. You can also create new values for custom task fields while editing a task.

Though tasks do not require statement of work (SOW) and basis of estimate (BOE) text, you can freely add this information to any task. However, the Link SOW/BOE To setting in your proposal must be set to Task. If it's set to PBS, then a PBS element's SOW and BOE text applies to all of its tasks.

Users are unable to add tasks to locked PBS elements. When you edit a PBS element, you can lock it by clearing the Allow Estimates option.

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