Proposal settings: Integration

In the Integration settings, you can pull rate table and resource field information from a ProPricerContractor Edition Enterprise database into EstimatorFLEX.

To access and retrieve external data, you must connect to your data server with CE Enterprise credentials.

When you sync your proposal with ProPricer CE Enterprise, EstimatorFLEX gathers and applies the latest data from the rate tables and resource fields selected here.

ProPricer CE
Data Server, Username, & Password

Connecting to a data server with ProPricer CE Enterprise credentials allows you to integrate CE Enterprise data with your EstimatorFLEX proposal. Once connected, you can select the proposal's rate tables and external resource fields.

Direct Rate Table

The direct rate table provides the resources you add to tasks. When you select a table, you'll see a grid containing general information about its resources. If the grid is empty, then the table has no resources.

If a direct rate table is set as Current in ProPricer CE Enterprise, it’ll be the first table in your list.

Indirect Rate Table

This setting shows the indirect rate table assigned to the selected direct rate table. Since an indirect rate table can only be assigned to a direct rate table in ProPricer CE Enterprise, there is no option to select an indirect rate table in EstimatorFLEX.

The indirect rate table provides the indirect pools that you assign to resources. Each pool has a set of rates for the indirect expenses that come along with using a resource. When you submit your proposal, ProPricer CE Enterprise uses the indirect rates to calculate the resources' indirect costs.

Travel Rate Table

The travel rate table provides expense rates for the trips you add to tasks. It also specifies the number of days in a rental car week and a rental car month.

If a travel rate table is set as Current in ProPricer CE Enterprise, it’ll be the first table in your list.

External Resource Fields

Resource fields predefined in ProPricer CE Enterprise can help you categorize resources added to tasks. When you select external resource fields to use in your proposal, you can view the fields' properties and the values they'll accept.

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