Estimates in a proposal
The Estimates page is the core of your proposal, and the majority of your work in ProPricer™ EstimatorFLEX will likely happen here.
The page's layout is generally the same in all proposals, but some information, such as field names and values, can vary depending on the proposal settings.
The area on the left side of the Estimates page is the proposal breakdown structure (PBS).
When you select a PBS element, its tasks, resources, and trips appear to the right in the grid. The details of each resource estimate and travel estimate in a task appear below the grid.
By default, the grid displays all estimate types in a PBS element. However, EstimatorFLEX has a variety of ways to quickly change the display of estimates.
To minimize your data entry time on the Estimates page, consider importing previous estimates from ProPricer Contractor Edition Enterprise proposals whenever possible. This is the fastest and most efficient way to set up the PBS, create tasks, and enter information for resources and trips.
Keep in mind that you can track estimates with Workflow, and you can discuss individual PBS elements and tasks in their activity feeds.
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