Resource estimate details

In ProPricerEstimatorFLEX, resource estimate refers to the total hours/units/cost in the intersecting cell of a task and a resource. You can add or edit a resource estimate in the cell, and you can modify the estimate details.

Quickly show and hide estimate details with a keyboard shortcut. Click an estimate in the grid, then press D.

Amount and curve

Use the Amount and Curve fields to control the distribution of resource hours/units/cost in a task.

Amount Enter the resource's hours/units/cost amount to distribute it automatically with a spread curve.

If you discretely enter estimates in months or years, this field is disabled.

Curve A spread curve is optional, but this field cannot be blank.

Load: Spread the total amount in every month or year.

(None): No spread curve. Estimates must be entered discretely.

...(System): System-defined curve from the ProPricer CE Enterprise database you're connected to. The curve name reflects the curve shape (for example, 05/95 spreads 5% of the total amount at the start and 95% over the end).

...(User): User-defined curve from the ProPricer CE Enterprise database you're connected to. The curve's name and weighting can be updated in CE Enterprise.

Start and end dates, duration, and offset

If the proposal's PoP is already set in the Properties, then the estimate details include the Start Date, End Date, and Duration fields.

Start Date & End Date The spread period start date and end date are required. The default spread dates match the task's PoP.

You can change the start date and end date, but the spread period must be within the task's PoP.

Duration The spread duration is calculated automatically according to the start date and end date. It is the number of months in the spread period.

If the proposal's PoP is not set in the Properties, then the Start Date and End Date fields are omitted. Instead, the estimate details include Offset and Duration fields.

Offset Offsetting the spread period is optional.

The value in this field determines when the spread period begins. For example, if there are 48 months in a task, then an offset value of 12 would delay the spread period by 12 months.

To offset the spread period, you might need to shorten the spread duration first. The spread period cannot be offset past the end of the task.

Duration The spread duration is required. It is the number of months in the spread period. The default duration matches the task's duration.

You can change the spread duration, but it must be within the task's duration.

After the proposal's PoP is set, this field is disabled. The duration will be calculated automatically according to the spread period start and end dates.


The Profit/Fee field lets you apply a profit/fee rate to the specific estimate you're working on. If a rate is already entered at the task level, proposal level, or indirect rate table level, it will appear in this field automatically. You can delete that rate and leave the field blank, or you can override it. The rate will turn blue after being overridden.

Months and years

The proposal's timescale affects the distribution of estimates. This example shows resource hours evenly spread in a monthly proposal.

And this example shows the same amount of resource hours evenly spread in an annual proposal.

The proposal's PoP dates, or lack of PoP dates, also affects this grid. If the proposal's PoP is not set in its Properties yet, then the years and months have generic labels instead of calendar labels.

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