
Every user in ProPricerEstimatorFLEX must have an assigned role. The role's permissions regulate the availability and use of each feature in the application.

On the Roles page, you can manage roles and set their permissions. Some predefined roles are built-in to help you get started.

After you set up a role, you can assign it to people on the Users page.

Admin-only role

The Admin-only role is unique. It's intended for a person who requires full access to EstimatorFLEX and may need to sign in at any time. Even when the maximum number of users has been reached, the person with the Admin-only role can still sign in.

The password for the Admin-only role can be changed by whoever uses it, or by someone with the Administrator role. All other Admin-only role information cannot be changed.

Unlike the Administrator role and other predefined roles, the Admin-only role cannot be deleted.

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